Time-off request form

Time-off request form

Employee time-off management made easy

The time-off request form template is a user-friendly tool designed to streamline the process of requesting and approving time off for your employees. It allows employees to specify their reasons for time off, the duration, and any additional details, ensuring that your team stays organized and well informed.

Who is this template for?

This template is ideal for HR departments and managers who want to efficiently handle employee time-off requests and maintain accurate records. It’s perfect for employees who need to request vacation, sick leave, personal days, or any other type of time off, providing a clear and simple way to communicate their needs.

Features used in this template:

  • Text field
  • Email field
  • Long text field
  • Date field
  • Single-choice field
  • Answer piping

For additional tips, enable "receive email notifications" from the notify tab to receive instant email notifications for every new form submission, allowing timely review and approval of time-off requests.

The design tab allows you to customize fonts, colors, logos, and text to align with your company’s branding and provide a consistent user experience.

For sharing the form, choose from various embed options like iframes, scripts, widgets, or chatbots, or simply share the form URL for easy access.

All require no coding skills.

This App is Free
