Employee exit survey

Employee exit survey

Turn employee departure into an opportunity to grow

You can use the employee exit survey template to gather feedback from departing employees. It goes beyond a simple questionnaire by allowing you to collect detailed information on their reasons for leaving, their experience with your organization, and any additional comments they might have.

Who is this template for?

• This template is ideal for HR departments and managers looking to improve employee retention and understand the underlying causes of turnover.

• It's perfect for capturing feedback from employees who are leaving your organization, ensuring that you gain insights that can help improve your workplace and reduce future attrition.

Features used in this template Single-step form Text field Email address field Single-choice field Check box Open-ended questions for detailed feedback

With the template, you can:

• Get notified instantly with email alerts for every new form submission so that you can take timely action based on the feedback received.

• To give the form a more personal touch, you customize fonts, colors, logos, and text to align with your company branding and ensure a cohesive user experience.

• Also, answer piping is great to personalize the form experience, making it more engaging for the departing employee.

• As for the sharing options, you can choose from various options like iframes, scripts, widgets, or chatbots, or simply share the form URL for easy access.

This App is Free
