Course feedback survey

Course feedback survey

Make your course better for future students

A course evaluation survey is a crucial tool that teachers and schools use to get feedback from students on how effectively a course was delivered and where it could be improved. Typically, a survey of this kind asks questions to evaluate various aspects of the course and its delivery.

The course feedback survey may request basic student personal information like name, age, and grade level.

Who is it for?

A course feedback survey is typically for students who have recently completed a course, or for individuals who have participated in a training or educational program. The course instructor or program coordinator can administer it.

We included some questions about the course in our template, such as the title or ID, the name of the instructor, and the calendar of classes. This makes it easier for the school or teacher to pinpoint which particular course and teacher the criticism is related to.

Create custom charts and tables with the survey results. Get more insights in an organized way to make more informed decisions.

The survey then asks more in-depth questions regarding the course, such as if it met the student's expectations, how satisfied they were with it overall, and whether they thought it was relevant and clear. Also, it includes a rating system for the course's many components, including assignments, tests, and teaching methods.

Use the CSAT and NPS fields to add rating questions and gather more valuable feedback.

Customize how your survey looks by adding pictures, logos, and your brand's colors. You can also easily embed it on your school website and make it more interactive with the chatbot feature.

Features used in this template:

- Multi-step form
- Long text field
- Yes/No question

To give more in-depth feedback regarding the course, open-ended questions may be included in the feedback survey. These inquiries center on the student's areas of strength and weakness, recommendations for progress, and any particular criticism or comments they may have for the teacher or institution.

This App is Free
