Famous artists artwork quiz

Famous artists artwork quiz

Do you know the artists of these artworks?

Our art quiz template includes a set of questions to assess someone's knowledge of works of art and art history.

Who is it for?

A variety of venues, including educational institutions, art museums or galleries, or even for pleasure and leisure, can use this quiz.

In our sample template, we included single-choice and section fields for the quiz questions and answers.

Customize your questions by adding pictures to showcase the artwork.

Features used in this template:

- Logic
- Calculation
- Answer sheet

To show the result of each question to the respondents, we used conditional logic.

If the answer is right, the quiz will "Jump to" the section field "That's correct!". If the answer was wrong then it "Jump to" the section field "Sorry, it's not right!" and gives the correct answer to that question.

With conditional logic, you can create more engaging and personalized quizzes, based on the users' answers.

Another way to show the right answers to the quiz questions is to set up an answer sheet after the form submission. At the end of the quiz, the form reveals the correct answers to each question. This allows the quiz-taker to evaluate their performance and learn from any mistakes they may have made.

You can track the quiz-takers results by creating charts and tables. Then, automatically send custom emails to your users after the form submissions.

This App is Free
