Anime tracker app

Anime tracker app

Welcome to the Anime Tracker app template!

The "Anime Tracker" app template is designed for anime lovers who want to keep track of the anime they have watched, are currently watching, and plan to watch in the future.

With this app, users can easily organize their anime collection and stay up-to-date on their favorite shows.

Features used in this template

Here are the main features and benefits of the "Anime Tracker" app template:

  1. Categorize Your Anime: Users can categorize their anime according to status, such as "Watching," "Plan to Watch," or "Completed." This feature helps users keep track of their progress and avoid watching the same anime multiple times.

  2. Keep Track of Your Progress: The app allows users to track their progress for each anime, including the number of episodes watched, the date watched, and any notes or comments they want to add.

  3. Discover New Anime: The app provides users with recommendations for new anime based on their watch history and preferences. This feature enables users to explore new shows and expand their anime collections.

  4. Customizable Interface: The app has a customizable interface that allows users to choose their preferred theme, layout, and color scheme. This feature ensures that users can personalize their experience and make the app their own.

  5. Sync Across Devices: The app syncs across devices, enabling users to access their anime collection and watch history from any device with the app installed.

In summary, the "Anime Tracker" app template provides anime lovers with a convenient and customizable way to keep track of their anime collections. With features such as categorizing anime, tracking progress, discovering new shows, customizable interface, and device syncing, users can stay organized and up-to-date on their favorite anime.

You can also add surveys to gather customer feedback, conduct market research, improve product development, and enhance customer engagement with interactive forms and surveys.

By managing the access levels, you can ensure it is a safe space that keeps your data private and secure. That is why Formaloo provides a login & sign-up feature to switch your app to a membership-only portal.

Also, access management allows your team to access pertinent data, enabling them to effectively accomplish their work.

With our powerful no-code app builder, you can easily create apps to collect data from your team or customers. And with our advanced analytics and reporting tools, you can analyze that data to gain valuable insights into your business.

Formaloo also makes collaboration easy, with features like team permissions and real-time collaboration tools.

Whether you're working with a small team or a large organization, Formaloo has everything you need to stay organized and productive.

Learn more about how to create a web app without any code.

So if you're looking for a powerful and flexible platform to help you grow your workflow or improve your team's productivity, look no further than Formaloo. Sign up for free today and start creating custom apps that work for you.

This App is Free


