AI long-form sales letter generator

AI long-form sales letter generator

Write compelling sales letters with AI

This AI long-form sales letter generator template by Formaloo empowers sales professionals and marketing teams to create persuasive and informative sales letters that resonate with their target audience and drive conversions.

Generate targeted letters at scale

The template guides you through a series of questions to personalize the AI prompt:

  • Language & tone: Specify the letter's language and desired voice tone (e.g., formal, casual).
  • Company & offering: Provide your company name and a clear description of your product or service.
  • Target audience: Describe your ideal customer profile.
  • Problem & solution: Outline the specific problem your audience faces and how your solution addresses it.
  • Benefits & call to action: Highlight the key benefits customers gain and include a clear call to action.

Generate personalized content

Based on your input, the AI generates a long-form sales letter that:

  • Grabs attention with a strong opening.
  • Identifies the reader's specific pain points.
  • Clearly positions your solution as the ideal answer.
  • Highlights the benefits that matter most to your audience.
  • Includes a compelling call to action that drives conversions.

Customize for your marketing strategy

This template allows you to modify the questions to gather information most relevant to your specific marketing approach. You can even add or remove variables to tailor the letters to different products, audiences, or sales funnels.

Start generating leads today!

Pick and customize the template today to create powerful long-form sales letters that capture attention, engage readers, and drive sales.

This App is Free
