School admission form

School admission form

School admission application form

This form is designed to simplify the admission process for the upcoming term. It is intended for prospective students and their parents or guardians who wish to join our vibrant school community.

Who is it for?

The admission form is important for both applicants and institutions as it ensures the collection of all relevant data and the smooth and effective administration of the application process.

Key features of this template

  • Single-step form: Complete the entire application in one easy-to-navigate step.
  • File upload field: Securely upload essential documents such as transcripts, recommendation letters, and identification.
  • Admin-only status field: Track your application progress with statuses managed by our admissions team on your app. Including "Application Received," "Under Review," "Interview Scheduled," "Accepted," and "Rejected."

You can customize this template to your needs. Add your school's logos and pictures and create your own custom domain.

Add questions and choose from various field types like multi-choice, single-choice, file upload, and open-ended questions.

Send custom emails to the applicants and get instant notifications once the form is submitted.
You can also automate all the processes and create your own workflow like sending follow-up emails automatically by integrating your favorite tools.

Ready to take the next step? Join Formaloo today and streamline your admission process! Sign up now to get started.

This App is Free
