Flexible number of fields

Flexible number of fields

Make a customized flexible number of fields form

You can use this template to show a flexible number of fields in your form.

You'll need to know the maximum and the minimum number of fields you'll have, then show them based on the number selected in the first question.

Pick the template and check out the logic page to learn how it works.

Who is this template for?

This template is perfect for anyone who needs to create a form that requires a number of fields. It's ideal for businesses, organizations, and individuals who want to streamline their form submission process and improve user experience.

Features used in this template

  • Single-step form
  • Single-choice question
  • Logic
  • Text field

With this template, you can show a flexible number of fields based on the user's input. You'll need to know the maximum and minimum number of fields you'll have and then show them based on the number selected in the first question.

The template includes customizable logic, which allows you to create complex rules for your form. You can set up conditional logic to show or hide specific fields based on the user's input, making it easier for users to complete the form.

You can customize the design of the form to match your brand, including adding your logo, changing the colors, and adding custom CSS

The "Flexible number of fields form template" is a powerful tool for anyone who needs to create a customized form with a variable number of fields.

With its customizable logic and user-friendly interface, this template can help you streamline your form submission process and improve user experience.

The template is user-friendly and easy to set up, even without coding experience. Simply pick the template, customize the logic to fit your needs, and you're ready to go.

This App is Free


