نظرسنجی تحقیق محصول

نظرسنجی تحقیق محصول

Product research survey - Persian (RTL)

This Product research survey template is designed to help businesses gather valuable insights from Persian-speaking customers.

With a right-to-left (RTL) format, it’s perfectly optimized for Persian text, making it easy to conduct market research and collect feedback.

This survey allows businesses to evaluate customer preferences, identify market trends, and gather opinions on products or services.

It includes customizable fields to capture feedback on product features, pricing, usability, and overall satisfaction, tailored for Persian-speaking audiences.

Who can use this template

  • Product managers: Gather feedback to improve products and services.
  • Startups: Understand customer needs to guide product development.
  • Market researchers: Conduct surveys to identify trends and opportunities in Persian-speaking markets.
  • E-commerce businesses: Use the survey to understand customer satisfaction and refine offerings.

What's the use of this template

This survey template collects comprehensive feedback on product performance, user experience, and market perception.

It helps businesses understand how their products are perceived, what features customers value, and where to improve. The data collected refine product offerings, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive business growth.

This template is a powerful tool for gathering actionable insights to make data-driven decisions. Fully customizable and easy to use, it’s ideal for engaging Persian-speaking customers in meaningful conversations about your product.

This App is Free


